What is XDN DigitalNote?

What is XDN DigitalNote?

XDN is an open cryptocurrency that offers decentralised privacy protected blockchain platform, including instant untraceable encrypted messages, secure GPU efficient and ASIC resistant mining. XDN also offers a blockchain deposits that offers recurring interests on funds that are locked to secure the network.

The digital currency is built on CryptoNote Technology that is similar to Bytecoin (BCN) and Monero (XMR). XDN is the complete anonymous solution that has added features comparing to the two, since they do not have encrypted messages nor blockchain deposits.

XDN was firstly launched on 30 May 2014 just after the fork of BCN and Monero on 18 April 2014. With a maximum supply of 8,589,869,056, BCN 184,460,000,000 and XMR 18,400,000, XDN’s maximum supply was decided based on industry research designed for mass adoption.

The main advantage for XDN encrypted messages is that it allows the end-users to essentially add invoices and references to the coins that have been transferred. Indeed, since it is encrypted, only the sender and receiver are preview to the message.

XDN DigitalNote ICCO

XDN ICCO campaign raised more than 327 Million in the first 36 hours. Being at the IC stage, the first week is only implemented to collect coins from participants who wish to sell their coins in the coin offering (ICCO). Once the IC stage ends, the coins will be on sale to institutional investors at least twice the market price. A poll will take place to determine the sale price.

XDN price surged from 80 Satoshi to a more than 300 Satoshi, stabilising around 250 Satoshi just before the IC stage ends.

Active Community and Social Media Presence

Alongside with ICCO campaign news, XDN social presence has been increasingly growing on various platforms such as Subreddit, Ryver Community, Twitter accounts and Facebook pages. News are also covered on www.xdndigitalnote.com

Official Website: www.digitalnote.org

GitHub: https://github.com/xdn-project/

XDN Wiki: http://digitalnote.eu/doku.php?id=xdn_wiki

Twitter: @XDNCommunity

Ryver Community: https://xdnco.ryver.com/application/signup/members/lMUXcT0lg3Iq7Rp

Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalNote

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xdn.digitalnote

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1082745.2820

Exchange Sites






Useful Links

XDN GUI Wallet: www.digitalnote.org | https://github.com/xdn-project/digitalnotewallet/releases

Available on Windows, Mac, and Linux

XDN Android Wallet: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xdn.org.freewallet.app