A Brief Comparison Between CrypteNote Cryptocurrencies XDN, BCN and XMR

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XDN DigitalNote is built on CryptoNote Technology that is similar to Bytecoin (BCN) and Monero (XMR). Since they are all anonymous. XDN, however, offers unique features that the later two do not such as Encrypted Untraceable Messages, and Blockchain Deposit that offers annual interests on the coins that are locked to secure the network.
In spite with the rise of XDN DigitalNote, and the good news on the success of the ICCO campaign, as well as the release of RoadMap and Android Wallet, we think it is interesting to make a brief comparison between the three cyrptocurrencies that are developed based on the same technology CrptoNote.

Coin Name DigitalNote Bytecoin Monero
Logo xdn digitalnote bcn bytecoin xmr monero
Date Launched
2014-05-30 2012-07-04 2014-04-18
Total Supply
8,589,869,056 184,460,000,000 18,400,000
Current Price
300 satoshi
100 satoshi
0.0178 BTC
Official Website
digitalnote.org bytecoin.org getmonero.org
Hashing Algorithm CryptoNote CryptoNote CryptoNote
Genesis Block 2014-05-30 2012-07-04 2014-04-18
Block Time


4:00 2:00 1:00
Block Time


4:03 22:34 1:03
Days life 697 15,525 780
Data dir size 1,219 Mb 7,136 Mb 8,994 Mb
Extra Features
Blockchain deposits with interest.

Instant untraceable encrypted messages.

None None


XDN made major advancements over Monero right off the bat with their encrypted messaging and blockchain deposits. Not only that but the message protocol will soon be available on cellphones and blockchain deposits will tie into PoA to help secure the network! You also must have missed out that XDN is now merged mining capable. Also, now that Monero has added ringCT transactions their transaction size is 12kb (bitcoin’s tx size is only .4kb for reference). XDN’s is ~1kb per transaction. This is very good for XDN scalability and bad for Monero’s.

2 comments on “A Brief Comparison Between CrypteNote Cryptocurrencies XDN, BCN and XMR”

    • Mesbah
    • June 6, 2017

    Amazing post. I know there is some new features that are coming out soon. With the rise of BTC (breaking it’s past records as we speak) all coins are taking hits. I’m sure this coin will soon be breaking out fairly soon, especially considering they are raising the price of the ICCO in the next round due to the growing demand.

      • espresso
      • June 6, 2017

      That’s interesting. As soon as the currency enters its ICCO stage the price should surge and supply will be limited due to a large number of coins being out of the trading market. Two factors are here making the surge pretty obvious.

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